


Socio-economic Vulnerability Derived from the recovery planning in World Heritage Site under the Impact of Catastrophe: A Case Study of Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, Mainland China




洪啟東(Chi-Tung Hung);黃瑋倢(Wei-Chieh Huang)


社經脆弱性 ; 觀光旅遊 ; 復原規劃 ; 九寨溝景區 ; 震災重建 ; Socio-economic vulnerability ; Tourism sightseeing ; Recovery planning ; Jiuzhaigou scenic area ; Post-earthquake disaster rebuilding




49卷3期(2022 / 09 / 30)


285 - 316




本研究係藉由中國大陸2017年「8.8九寨溝地震」的震災衝擊,企圖釐清作為世界自然遺產的九寨溝觀光風景區之災後復原現象及其社經脆弱性(socio-economic vulnerabilities)。前述研究的重要性,一方面涉及過往震災重建經常為城鎮區域聚落的民生重建,不偌九寨溝雖為偏鄉景區及少數民族(藏族)的經濟復甦作為;另一方面,景區及所在地的行政區(九寨溝縣)分屬不同行政管理體制,其「門票經濟」及縣域自主重建方法,對比過往汶川「對口支援」及受災地區隸屬同行政管轄的復原方式相當不同。研究方法為採取深入訪談與實地田野調查進行,並透過當地的文獻蒐集與統計數據(圖)佐以分析;初步發現,(1)「一地兩制」與「門票經濟」左右了不同層級政府(州/縣/景區)的重建進度,及其風險治理策略;(2)邊陲地區之區域產業與在地政府觀光產業的空間發展依賴性(dependence)糾結,難以脫鉤結構性的自然環境危害等潛在威脅。研究貢獻在於,期盼本研究能裨益建構偏鄉景點的社經脆弱性論述,及了解九寨溝景區的重建經驗;以突顯中國大陸震災重建任務,政府角色在既要復甦景區觀光產業,同時也實踐了民族脫貧的雙贏空間實踐策略。


This study discusses the post-disaster recovery mechanism of the Jiuzhaigou scenic area, as a World Natural Heritage Sites, following the catastrophic impact of the 2017/8/8 Sichuan earthquake. The significant point of this study is that most discussions on catastrophic impact recovery focus on urban areas, rather than the tourism vulnerability of remote scenic areas like Jiuzhaigou and the economic recovery of minority groups (Tibetan, in this case). Additionally, the scenic area and the local district are governed by different authorities, resulting in the interesting and distinctive recovery differences of pre-disaster 'ticket economy' and post-disaster 'reconstruction'. As well as in-depth interview and field survey, this study also reviews local literature and statistical data to measure: (1) the spatial hazard susceptibility and risk management strategies of different-level governments and (2) the tangling dependence among regional industrial development and (governmental) local tourism industry. This study is expected to benefit future discussion on tourism vulnerability of remote scenic area, and the local resilience to disasters.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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