


Exchange Rate Depreciation, Risk and Exports




方文碩(Wen-Shwo Fang);張倉耀(Tsang-Yao Chang);葉志權(Chih-Chuan Yeh)


實質有效匯率 ; 匯率貶值 ; 匯率風險 ; 出口收益 ; 雙變量GARCH-M模型 ; real effective exchange rate ; exchange rate depreciation ; exchange rate risk ; export revenue ; bivariate GARCH-M model




41卷1期(2005 / 01 / 31)


105 - 139






The exchange rate affects exports in two ways: the depreciation effect and the risk effect. The net effect of exchange rate depreciation and its risk on exports in Taiwan between 1981 and 2004 is investigated in a bivariate GARCH-M model that stimultaneously estimates time varying risk. Exchange rate depreciation is found to stimulate export revenue in domestic currency but the quantitative impact is small and any associated increase in exchange rate risk has a negative impact. Further evidence shows that the exchange rate and its risk only add noise to underlying export revenue fundamentals, suggesting that exchange rate depreciation has negligible net effect on exports. The exchange rate is not a viable tool of export policy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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