This paper uses Taiwan's Industry, Commerce and Service Censuses of 2006 and 2011 and trade statistics to analyze the impact of cross-strait trade, its trade with regions other than mainland China and Hong Kong (other regions hereinafter), and overseas production of Taiwan's export orders (OPEO) on the performance of the country's four-digit manufacturing industries. The empirical findings are that a one percentage point increase in exports to China (including mainland China and Hong Kong) and other regions raises employment across industries by 0.07 and 0.14 percentage points, respectively. The estimate suggests annual employment increases of 4,801 and 9,951 workers stemming from the growth in exports to China and other regions over the period 2006-2011, respectively, accounting for 89% of the actual annual total increment in employment. Furthermore, a one percentage point increase in exports to other regions results in a 0.13 percentage point rise in the number of establishment units. The growth in exports to other regions prompts an increase in the number of establishment units by 368, accounting for 41% of actual annual incremental growth. However, Taiwan's exports to China have no significant effect on the increases in the number of establishment units and Taiwan's imports from China incur no significant changes in employment, the number of establishments and real wages in Taiwan. The larger creation in Taiwan's employment and establishments brought about by exports to other regions than that to China suggests that the relative importance of trade-induced effects are subject to factor mobility between trade partners. Additionally, although a one percentage point increase in OPEO leads to a slight 0.012 percentage points increase annually in average real wages during the same period, the long-run accumulated effect of overseas production is negative, i.e., an increased ratio of overseas production in mainland China to an industry's exports results in a decrease in the number of establishments in Taiwan.
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