


Do Elite High Schools Matter for Entering Elite Universities?


莊奕琦(Yih-Chyi Chuang);陳晏羚(Yen-Ling Chen)


明星高中 ; 臺灣青少年成長歷程研究 ; 樣本選擇性偏誤 ; 學校特定效果 ; Elite High School ; Taiwan Youth Project ; Sample Selection Bias ; School-specific Effect




57卷1期(2021 / 01 / 31)


93 - 122






Along with the rapid expansion of higher education in Taiwan since the mid-1990s, being admitted by a university is no longer a key issue, whereas entering an elite university remains as a keen space for competition. This paper uses data from Taiwan Youth Project to test the school-specific effect of elite high schools on entering elite universities. We deal with problems of sample selection and the appealing effect for students with good academic performance in elite high schools. After controlling for regions, family socioeconomic status, personal characteristics, and unobserved ability, our estimation results show that there exists a positive and significant school-specific effect with an odd-ratio of 2.5 to 2.9, for students of elite high schools to enter elite universities. However, the connotations of the school-specific effect may lead to varied policy implications and thus require further investigations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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