


A Study of the Influence of Expected Service and Service Performance on Service Quality Evaluation




翁崇雄(Chorng-Shyong Ong)


期望服務 ; 服務績效 ; 服務品質 ; expected service ; service performance ; service quality




9卷1期(1998 / 12 / 01)


153 - 176




本研究由PZB (1985, 1988)、Olshavsky & Miller (1972)、Anderson (1973)及Cronin & Taylor (1992)等之研究,獲知期望服務、服務績效與服務品質三者之關係存在爭議之處,透過文獻探討而提出「服務績效與服務品質之正向一致性」之特性,至於期望服務與服務品質間則存在較顯著之矛盾與爭議。又於文獻中獲知,不確實期望將影響消費者對服務品質的評價,且一個不確實期望的產生,可能係由於公司之廣告策略與公司績效不一致而產生,而消費者之期望受廣告策略的影響甚大,故釐清期望服務與服務品質關係之問題對廣告策略之擬訂是相當重要的。因此本研究嘗試將期望服務與服務績效皆分成高、中、低三等級,並於不同服務績效等級水準下,探討不同期望服務水準之消費者對服務品質評量之影響,而獲得如下顯著之結論: 一、當公司或組織之服務績效水準處於一般水準或較差時,期望服務水準較低之消費者,其對公司或組織之服務品質評價則較高;故公司或組織之服務績效水準處朴普通水準或較低時,公司或組織應採取「適度保守之廣告策略」,以獲得消費者對公司或組織有較高的服務品質評價。 二、當公司或組織之服務績效水準較佳時,期望服務水準較高之消費者,其對公司或組織之服務品質評量則亦為較高;故公司或組織之服務績效水準較一般業界水準為佳時,公司或組織可採取「適度誇大之廣告策略」,如此方能獲得消費者對公司或組織之服務品質有更佳的評價。


The research of PZB (1985, 1988), Olshavsky & Miller (1972), Anderson (1973) and Cronin & Taylor (1992) has shown that considerable controversy exists regarding the relationship between expected service, service performance and service quality. In this study, a review of the literature is used to produce a list of the characteristics of a positive consistency of performance and service quality. The most obvious contradiction and conflict is between consumer expectations and service quality. However, the literature also shows that a disconfirmation of an expectancy produces an unfavorable service evaluation. A disconfirmation of an expectancy may be due to a lack of consistency between a company's promotional strategy and its performance. Advertising strategy has a major impact on consumer expectations. It is therefore very important from the point of view of formulating advertising strategy that the relationship between expected service and service performance be clarified. In this study an attempt has been made to classify expected service and service performance into three levels-high, medium and low, and to consider what the effects are on evaluation of service quality by consumers with differing expected service levels, on the basis of different levels of service performance. The following conclusions have been drawn: 1. When the service performance level of a company or organization is rather poor, those consumers with relatively low expected service levels will have a relatively high evaluation of that company or organization's service quality. Therefore, when a company or organization's service performance level is average or slightly low, that company or organization should employ a more conservative promotional strategy, so as to obtain a higher service quality evaluation from consumers. 2. When the service performance level of a company or organization is good, those consumers with relatively high expected service levels with have a relatively high evaluation of that company or organization's service quality. Therefore, when a company or organization's service performance level is higher than that of most other companies or organizations in the same sector, that company or organization should employ a more exaggerated promotional strategy, so as to obtain an even higher service quality evaluation from consumers.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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