


Relationship between Manufacturing Management Factors, Business Performance and Product Flexibility Capability: An Empirical Study




張世佳(Shih-Chia Chang);林能白(Neng-Pai Lin)


產品彈性能力 ; 產品範疇彈性 ; 產品機動彈性 ; 產品一致彈性 ; product flexibility capability ; product range flexibility ; product mobility flexibility ; product uniformity flexibility




10卷2期(2000 / 06 / 01)


1 - 30




在面對顧客對產品需求之高度不確定性、產品生命週期快速縮短的市場環境下,積極提昇產品彈性能力,已成為廠商迅速反應市場變動的重要策略之一;基於產品彈性能力對市場競爭優勢具關鍵影響性,因此廠商如何正確地從事製造系統之投資或管理活動之投入以強化其產品彈性能力,係決策者目前面臨之重要課題;本研究將產品彈性能力區分為三種不同類型:產品範疇彈性、產品機動彈性及產品一致彈性,並探討下列之議題:1、製造管理要素對產品彈性能力類型之影響作用;2、產品彈性能力類型之彼此互換(trade-offs)關係;3、產品彈性能力類型對事業績效之貢獻性;本研究以國內54家主機板廠商資料,利用路徑分析(path analysis)法進行實證分析,主要研究結果如下:1、影響產品範疇彈性、產品機動彈性及產品一致彈性之製造管理要素是不同的;2、產品機動彈性對產品範疇彈性具顯著的正向影響作用,但對產品一致彈性則具顯著的負向影響關係;3、產品範疇彈性、產品機動彈性及產品一致彈性對利潤率及銷售成長率具不同的影響作用。


In the environment of uncertain product demand and short product life cycle, increasing product flexibility capability is a critical issue for firms to improve market responsiveness. Production managers have to decide on how to adequately invest in manufacturing system in order to enhance product flexibility capability. This study divided product flexibility capability into three distinct types named product range, product mobility and product uniformity flexibility. This study uses path analysis method to testify the influence of manufacturing management factors on product flexibility capability, trade-offs between those three types of product flexibility capability, and the contribution of product flexibility types on business performance based on the data collected from 54 mother board manufacturing firms. Our research findings are as follows: 1. manufacturing management factors have different influence on product range, product mobility, and product uniformity flexibility; 2. product mobility flexibility are significantly positive associated with product range flexibility and significant negative associated with product uniformity flexibility; 3. product range, product mobility, and product uniformity flexibility have different influence on net profit and sales growth.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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