


The Potential Impacts of Online Shopping with Pick-up Services on Chain Store Location Demand-A Case Study of 7-11 in Taipei




石昌國(Chang-Kuo Shih);張金鶚(Chin-Oh Chang);彭建文(Chien-Wen Peng)


電子商務 ; 網路購物取貨服務 ; 便利商店 ; 店面需求 ; Online Shopping ; Pick-up Services ; Chain Store ; Location




13卷1期(2002 / 12 / 01)


67 - 95




連鎖便利商店由於其據點多、分佈廣、全天候營業的特質,使得便利商店在網路購物的物流末端得以扮演最後一哩(the last mile)的通路角色。然而,網路購物取貨服務對便利商店經營的重要程度為何?在網購取貨服務環境下,便利商店是否有持續擴點的需要?門市選址因素與過去文獻比較有否改變?為未來網路購物取貨服務環境下,便利商店發展所需關注的課題。 本研究以臺北市325家7-11門市為樣本,實證結果發現網路購物取貨服務數量對營業額有顯著影響,且對市區門市營業額的影響較郊區門市明顯。實證結果亦顯示位於市區商圈愈小的門市,其網購取貨數量愈多,意味網購取貨消費者對於門市區位可及性、便利性的要求較高,為因應網購取貨龐大市場,7-11應持續擴張門市。此外,在選址因素方面,目前僅發現位於三角窗的門市反而在網購取貨數量影響因素模式中不甚重要,亦隱含未來網路購物對實體店面區位的潛在衝擊。


Owing to the characteristic of numbers of shop fronts, widely spread and 24 hours open, chain stores in Taiwan become the last mile of online shopping. However, is online shopping with pick-up services important to the chain stores. performance? Under the pick-up services environment, need the chain stores to be continually expand? As for the factors of deciding store location, is there any difference between nowaday pick-ups service environment and researches in the past. These issues are very important to the development of chain store in the future. Therefore, we examined 325 7-11 shops in Taipei as case studies. By regression model, we verify the relationship of cause effect among the store location factors, quantity of pick-up services and the store performance. Empirical results reveal that the quantity of pick-up services significantly affects store performance, and store's revenue in the city is significant than that in the suburban area. Furthermore, the smaller the store trade area leads to the larger quantity of pick-up services, which means the online shoppers' nearby pick-up services demand. Finally, unlike previous studies, stores on the crossroad do not significantly affect the quantity of pick-up services, which also implies the potential impact of online shopping pick-up services on chain stores location in the future.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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