


The Influence of Organizational Factors on New Product Development Performance in Stable Network-The Case of Configuration Management of Central Satellite Firms




佘日新(Peter J. Sher);張耀文(Y. W. Chang)


穩定型網路 ; 構型管理 ; 新產品發展績效 ; 中衛體系 ; Stable Network ; Configuration Management ; New Product Development Performance ; Central Satellite System




14卷1期(2003 / 06 / 01)


149 - 177




近些年來,製造業的網路組織活動方興未艾,透過彼此的專業分工、彈性互補、分散風險,而演變或建構成之一種長期合作關係。現今全球高科技產品研發製造,皆非一家公司獨立完成。研發上的管理方式也由單純廠商內統理(Intra-firm governance)演變成為與廠商間統理(Inter-firm governance)混合的模式。而國內的產業是以中小企業為產業主軸,中小企業在資本資源、組織與運作方式的快速反應策略常形成各種的產業價值鏈或是中心衛星體系,即Miles and snow(1992)所謂之穩定型網路。近年來,廠商面臨環境快速的變化與競爭的壓力,新產品的成敗影響企業至深。但新產品開發之失敗率相當高,因此,新產品開發績效的提昇對廠商的經營績效至為重要,而構型管理(Configuration Management)即是一項在新產品發展過程中控制工程資料變更的方法,構型管理影響新產品發展績效,進而影響廠商的營運績效。惟過去對於構型管理之研究多屬於描述性或個案性的說明,在學術研究中並未從組織與策略的角度加以探討。本研究以中衛中心的合格廠商名錄為研究對象,進行跨產業的問卷調查與實證分析,本研究共計回收有效問卷97份。透過廠商內因素與廠商間因素對構型管理績效影響的複迴歸分析,歸納影響構型管理績效之廠商內因素分別為:專案經理管理能力越佳、部門間互動越頻繁對構型管理績效具顯著的影響;廠商間因素:廠商間技術文件互動越高、公司於構型管理之主導權越高對構型管理績效之提升有幫助;但廠商間企業文化相似程度因素、廠商間研發部門之互動參與頻繁對構型管理績效之影響並不顯著。


Network organizations in manufacturing industries have captured tremendous attention in recent years. Firms involved in networks construct a long-term relationship to achieve professional division of labor, complementary flexibility, and risk pooling. R&D management, under such a circumstance, is also propelled to make adjustment from intra-firm governance to inter-firm governance to adapt the fast-changing administrative environment. Taiwanese industries are largely composed of small and medium sized firms (SMEs) that develop their strength based on networked structures. Quick responses and flexibilities of SMEs are manifested in many facets including their operations, capital resources, and value chains. Well-known Central Satellite system encouraged by the government in Taiwan is a kind of network organizations attributed by Miles and Snow (1992) as ”Stable Networks”. Performance of new product development (NPD) is gradually considered as a key success factor in overall performance of a firm, especially in a knowledge-intensive global competition. Thus, we consider one important dimension of NPD-configuration management, and postulate several hypotheses concerning configuration management in distributed innovation networks in this research. Shortage of empirical researches based on the survey method leads the researchers to develop a questionnaire strategy to collect firms enlisted in Taiwan's Central Satellite manufacturers and empirically tested relevant hypotheses. Regression models suggest some interesting empirical results to our research interest. Project managers, interaction between departments, and interaction of technical documentation, and dominance of a firm along NPD are found to be critical to the performance of configuration management in NPD. Managerial implications are suggested following relevant research findings. The preeminence of research finding sheds light to new product management in stably networked organizations that intend to employ an innovation strategy more effectively.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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