


Competence Set Expansion for Determining the Development Precedence among Various Subsystems in a Project




胡宜中(Yi-Chung Hu);邱榆淨(Yu-Jing Chiu)


系統開發 ; 專案管理 ; 能力集合 ; 灰色理論 ; 整數規劃 ; system development ; project management ; competence set ; grey theory ; integer programming




16卷1期(2005 / 12 / 01)


21 - 40






For a project of the system development, the determination of the development precedence among the subsystems plays an important role. However, the decision maker may not appropriately determine the development precedence among the subsystems in a project resulting from the inexperience and inadequate information. From the viewpoint of the competence set expansion, a project, consisting with subsystems that are needed to be developed, can be treated as the needed competence set for attaining the desired goal. In such a competence set, each subsystem can be viewed as a competence. In this paper, we use the grey relation to acquire the cost between any two subsystems. In order to acquire the development precedence, an integer programming method proposed by Li (1999) is employed to determine the learning sequence with the minimum cost. That is, this paper aims to propose a new method to resolve a problem in which the development precedence among the subsystems in a project cannot be effectively determined. An empirical case concerning transportation safety systems in Taiwan is used to illustrate the usefulness and feasibility of the proposed method.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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