


Towards an Understanding of the Effects of Involvement and Trust on Online Bidding




林娟娟(Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin);苗惠茹(Hui-Ju Miao)


網路拍賣 ; 電子商務 ; 消費者行為 ; online auction ; e-commerce ; consumer behavior




17卷1期(2006 / 12 / 01)


167 - 189




網路拍賣以其特殊的顧客對顧客(Customer-to-Customer; C2C)交易模式,在電子商務市場中異軍突起,買方和賣方可透過拍賣的議價機制,以雙方都滿意的價格成交,而提供交易平台的網站,亦可從中獲取手續費,可謂達到三贏的局面。每一筆成功的網路拍賣交易來自於消費者的投標,故如何提升消費者投標意願乃是學者與業界共同關注的議題,本研究彙總過去相關研究,提出一解釋消費者投標意願之模型。經過實證結果發現,有高涉入態度的消費者,其投標意願將提升;而消費者對賣方的信任態度,亦顯著影響其投標意願。至於消費者對拍賣網站的信任態度,雖然未顯著影響其投標意願,但卻是影響其對賣方的信任態度之重要因素。


Online auction is one of the successful business models in the electronic commerce. It not only provides efficient and entertaining trading experiences for both sellers and buyers, but also brings in profits for the trading sites. In this business model, buyers' willingness to bid is one of the key factors to success. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to investigate into the factors that affect consumer bidding intention. Based on prior literature, a model was proposed and empirically tested to gain a better understanding into consumer bidding behaviors. The results showed that consumer's willingness to bid was influenced by his/her involvement with online auction, the trust toward the seller, and his/her perceived usefulness toward online auction. Together, they explained 70% of the observed variance in bidding intention. Trust toward the auction website, one the other hand, did not exhibit direct influence to the consumer bidding intention. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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