
Procedural Justice in Training and Development: Development of a Scale






張保隆(Pao-Long Chang);鄭妃君(Fei-Chun Cheng)


訓練與發展 ; 程序公平 ; 組織公平 ; training and development ; procedural justice ; organizational justice




18卷2期(2008 / 06 / 01)


79 - 104




雖然組織公平的概念廣為學者們所重視,但探討重點大多還是聚焦在遴選、薪資以及績效評估等情境,隨著環境的改變與生涯發展開始受到重視,員工開始警覺到訓練與發展活動的重要。因此,本研究以組織公平的觀點來檢視訓練與發展活動的程序問題,透過理論推演與實務訪談為基礎,首先釐清訓練與發展程序公平的構面,配合量表發展程序,採用演繹法與歸納法,並以兩組樣本共 374 位銀行業與證券業的員工為施測對象,經由探索性與驗證性因素分析,建構出訓練與發展程序公平的量表(Training and Development Procedural Justice Scale; TDPJS)。本論文認為訓練與發展程序公平的概念包含二個構面,即「制度因素」與「互動因素」。所發展出的TDPJS量表共包含15題,除了具有良好的效度證據,另外對於工作滿意、情感性組織承諾、專業承諾、信任、知覺組織支持與訓練與發展分配公平均有顯著解釋力。TDPJS量表的出現,可作為後續相關研究學者之參考。


Despite the considerable amount of organizational justice literature, the application in the domain of training and development was neglected. This study explores the concept of procedural justice in training and development, and uses psychometric procedures for scale development, called the Training and Development Procedural Justice Scale (TDPJS). Items were initially developed following deductive and inductive approaches. Content analysis was applied to delete items, and data was collected, from the bank and security industries. Exploratory factor and confirmatory factor analyses were applied for development the scale. Additionally, the validity information was provided in this study. TDPJS includes two dimensions, system factor and interactional factor, totally in 15 items. In addition to the convergent and divergent validity, TDPJS explains variance in job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, normative organizational commitment, trust, perceived organizational support, and distributive justice.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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