


The Effects of Resource Loss and Resource Gain on Work-Family Conflict: The Perspective of Resource Conservation




張婷婷(Ting-Ting Chang);陸洛(Luo Lu)


職家衝突 ; 工作資源獲得 ; 資源損失 ; work/family conflict WFC/FWC ; work resource gain ; resource loss




20卷1期(2009 / 12 / 01)


69 - 98




本研究從資源保存(Conservation of Resource; COR)理論的觀點,探討資源(工作、家庭與個人資源)損失與工作資源獲得(主管的理念性支持與組織的家庭支持理念)對職家衝突(WFC及FWC)及其後果(工作滿意及家庭滿意)的影響。結果發現資源損失之「個人健康損失」會提升WFC與FWC,而「個人收入損失」只會提升FWC;獲得兩項工作資源皆會降低WFC與FWC;FWC對「工作滿意」有負向影響,而WFC對「家庭滿意」有負向影響。調節作用的檢驗發現「工作時間損失」會增強「組織的家庭支持理念」對FWC的影響;而「組織的家庭支持理念」會緩解「工作時間損失」對FWC的影響。本研究以資源保存理論探討職家衝突的議題,希望能提供組織一個新的角度,以促進員工之工作與家庭平衡。


While most existing research on work/family conflict (WFC/FWC) stems out from role theory, the present study adopted the theoretical perspective of conservation of resource (COR). Resource gain and resource loss were conceptualized as antecedents of WFC/FWC, job satisfaction and family satisfaction as consequences of WFC/FWC. Specifically, resource loss included losses of work, family, and personal resources. Work resource gain included supervisor family support, and organizational family support values. Analyses revealed that for Taiwanese employees, loss of personal resources in the form of health loss was related to increased WFC and FWC, while income loss was related to increased FWC. Gain of work resources was related to both decreased WFC and FWC. Furthermore, FWC negatively affected job satisfaction while WFC negatively affected family satisfaction. More importantly, loss of work resources in the form of time loss moderated the relationship between organizational family support values and FWC. Furthermore, organizational family support values moderated the relationship between time loss and FWC. Thus, COR may be a useful framework to understand work/family issues, and can provide the organization a fresh angle of intervention to foster work/family balance.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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