


Exploring the Effects of Proactive Personality, Social Value Orientation and Customer Justice Perceptions on Individual Social Capital




張火燦(Huo-Tsan Chang);紀乃文(Nai-Wen Chi);劉嘉雯(Jia-Wen Liou);林夢倫(Meng-Lun Lin)


社會價值傾向 ; 顧客正義知覺 ; 社會資本 ; social value orientation ; customer justice perception ; social capital




20卷1期(2009 / 12 / 01)


99 - 129




在保險業裡蓄積社會資本對業務員是重要的,過去研究在蓄積個人層次之社會資本部分仍有不足;為此,本研究針對保險業務員之積極人格、社會價值傾向對個人社會資本的主效果與交互作用加以探討、同時亦試圖釐清顧客正義知覺是否與社會價值傾向及積極人格產生三階交互作用,進而影響個人社會資本。 本研究針對保險業務員及其顧客發放配對問卷,利用階層迴歸驗證各研究假設。研究結果顯示:(1)積極人格與社會互動、關係品質、顧客網絡連結有正向關係;(2)高社會價值傾向(利社會型)與關係品質、顧客網絡連結有正向關係;(3)高社會價值傾向會加強積極人格與關係品質之正向關係;(4)在高顧客正義知覺的情況下,高社會價值傾向更能加強積極人格與顧客網絡連結之正向關係。最後,針對研究結果亦提出理論上與管理上的意涵。


Accumulating social capital is important for becoming successful insurance sales agents. Thus, this study attempted to explore and answer the following research questions: (1) investigating the relationship between proactive personality and social capital; (2) examining the relationship between social value orientation and social capital; (3) exploring the interaction effects of proactive personality and social value orientation on social capital; (4) exploring the moderating effect of customer justice perception. Subjects in this research were 350 insurance sales representatives and 1050 customers, and the valid response rate was 44.29%. Hierarchical regression was employed to test the hypotheses. The findings of this study indicated that high social value orientation (pro-social) had more positive effect than low social value orientation (selfish) on relationship quality and customer network ties. Moreover, proactive personality had positive effect on social interaction, relationship quality and customer network ties. Furthermore, high social value orientation strengthened the positive relationship between proactive personality and relationship quality. Lastly, under the situation of high customer justice perception, high social value orientation (pro-social) is more likely to enhance the positive relationship between proactive personality and customer network ties. Theoretical and managerial implications of this research and recommendations for future research are also discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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