


A Dyadic Relational Model of Manufacturer-Customer in Industrial Markets




楊台寧(Tai-Ning Yang)


關係承諾 ; 關係依賴 ; 關係價值創造 ; relational commitment ; relational dependency ; relational value creation




23卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


165 - 198




在關係行銷領域有關買賣雙方之關係的文獻中,多數研究的焦點都在探討買方或賣方的單邊(One Side)關係交換,甚少探討雙邊成對關係(Dyadic Relationship)及「認知」在雙邊互動過程中對「關係交換」的影響,亦甚少研究探討關係交換理論在工業性產品市場對製造商與客戶間「關係價值創造」之適用性。本研究以關係交換理論、社會資本理論為基礎建立模型,採用台灣和大陸地區電腦、消費性電子、及通訊設備三種產業共115家製造商與其客戶之雙邊成對資料 (Dyadic Data),針對工業性產品市場廠商交易具有連續性交換(易)的特質,驗證關係交換理論的核心概念,同時探討「關係承諾」發展的循環強化過程。實證結果顯示,製造商(客戶)與其客戶(製造商)間的「關係承諾」會影響雙方的「關係依賴」,進而影響「關係價值創造」的績效,在關係發展時,依附於「關係交換」而投資的特異性(專屬性)資源會影響廠商對交換夥伴的「關係承諾」,因循環互動而逐漸強化的「關係承諾」,會受到雙方間「信任」的影響,「溝通成效」及「共同價值觀」的認知會影響雙方的「信任」。


Most previous studies about the relationship between buyer and seller in the field of relationship marketing were mainly focused on unilateral (one side) relationship exchange. However, there are only a few studies that have investigated the applicability of relationship exchange theory to the relational value creation and explored the impact of ”cognition” on dyadic relationship exchanges process in the industry markets. This research is seeking to develop a model which applies relational exchange theory and social capital theory as conceptual foundation. It also adopts the dyadic data from 115 manufactures among the industries of computers, consumptive electronics, and communication apparatus in both Taiwan and Mainland China, with the expectation that will help to test the core notion of the dyadic relational exchange theory, in order to address the characteristics of continuing exchange between manufacturers and buyers in industrial markets. This study also intends to investigate the reciprocal process of the relational commitment between the manufacturers and buyers. The findings show that the ”relational commitment” has significant influence on their ”relationship dependency”, thereby affecting the performance effectiveness of relational value creation. In addition, the specific (exclusive) resources from investment will have impact on increasing ”relational commitment” of exchange partners. Commitment in industrial market acts as a function of a reciprocal cycle of each party's perception of the other party's commitment and is related with each partner's trust in the other. The ”communication effectiveness” and the cognition of ”share value” have impact on their ”trust” between the manufacturers (buyers) and buyers (manufacturers).

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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