


Does Left-Right Matter? Effects of Product-Price Left-Right Placement and Construal Level on Product Evaluation




鄭兆宏(Zhao-Hong Cheng);張純端(Chun-Tuan Chang);賴立婕(Li-Chieh Lai)


產品-價格左右相對位置 ; 解釋水平 ; 時間窗 ; 產品享樂/實用價值 ; 知覺品質 ; price-product left-right placement ; construal level ; time window ; product utilitarian/hedonic value ; perceived quality




31卷1期(2021 / 04 / 01)


155 - 187




廣告中的空間視覺因素,總會提供消費者在觀看廣告時一些線索,因為消費者對於空間位置上各有不同的認知,而行銷領域的學者早已對相關的議題如置入廣告在網頁中的擺放位置、產品在廣告中的擺放位置等與消費者的認知進行探討。對行銷者來說,了解消費者的想法,才能讓廣告中的空間配置成為有利於消費者對產品產生正面評價的線索。本研究利用「價格」和「產品」兩圖片的相對位置,探討兩者左右相對位置對消費者可能產生的影響,另外結合影響消費者心理思考模式的解釋水平變數,希望為產品與價格左右空間配置的研究開拓新的篇章。本研究以實驗設計法探討產品-價格左右相對位置(價格置於產品左邊vs. 價格置於產品右邊),搭配消費者不同的解釋水平(高解釋水平vs. 低解釋水平),觀察消費者在產品評價上的反應。透過四個實驗,從思考模式、時間窗和產品享樂∕實用價值三個面向來操弄解釋水平的高低,藉由使用不同的廣告呈現方式(看板、單一產品傳單、產品平面廣告及包含多樣產品的商店傳單)以增加研究的外部性,依變數選擇上包括產品知覺價值、購買意願與願付價格。研究結果指出,當消費者使用低解釋水平時,廣告中價格置於產品的右邊會比價格置於產品的左邊使消費者有較高的產品評價;當消費者使用高解釋水平時,廣告中反而價格置於產品左邊會比價格置於產品右邊使消費者有較高的產品評價,消費者對產品的知覺品質可用來解釋此交互作用的產生背後的機制。本研究發現促使行銷人員在設計廣告空間配置時更多考量點,針對目標客群提供產品-價格左右相對不同的擺放位置,以誘發不同解釋水平思考模式,進而獲得較高的產品評價。


Previous research has demonstrated visuals of products and prices can impact consumer perceptions. The current research examines how product-price left-right placement (price left, product right vs. price right, product left) in an ad affects consumers' perceived value. We propose that construal level (high vs. low) can moderate the relationship between product-price left-right placement and perceived value. This research further explores three dimensions of construal level (i.e., mindset, time window and product utilitarian/hedonic value). We also conduct four experiments using different ad formats (i.e., billboard, direct mails, and print ads) to enhance the generalizability of this research. Dependent measures include perceived product value, purchase intention, and willingness to pay. The results indicate that when using low construal level to process the information, experiment subjects s exposed to an ad in which price is placing on the right and product on the left show higher product evaluation of the promoted product than those exposed to the same ad but with price on the left and product on the right. On the other hand, when people receive high construal level to process information, they would show higher product evaluation of the promoted product when viewing an ad with "price on the left, product on the right." Perceived product quality serves as the underlying mechanism behind the above phenomenon. The findings provide marketers with insights regarding advertising design, that is, appropriate price-product left-right placement should be used for the target audience to enhance their advertising effects.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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