


Being Alone Deserves More Sympathy? Influences of Victim Number, Cause Acuteness and Individual Differences in Self-Construal on Charitable Advertising Effectiveness




張純端(Chun-Tuan Chang);陳亦嘉(Yi-Chia Chen);張佳涵(Chia-Han Chang)


慈善廣告 ; 可辨識受害者效果 ; 慈善議題種類 ; 自我建構理論 ; 罪惡感 ; charity advertising ; identified victim effect ; cause acuteness ; self-construal ; guilty




32卷2期(2022 / 08 / 01)


85 - 122




本研究提出受害者數量效應可能受到慈善議題種類與自我建構個人差異的影響,並採實驗設計方法來驗證假說。實驗一以非營利組織設計實驗內容;實驗二以善因行銷為廣告內容並設定由一虛擬公司搭配保溫瓶產品而發起的慈善活動;實驗三同樣以非營利組織設計實驗內容,但著重探討罪惡感的中介機制;三實驗均為「2(受害者數量:個人v.s群體)× 2(慈善議題種類:突發性災難v.s持續性悲劇)× 2(自我建構:獨立我v.s相依我)」三因子設計。結果顯示:當相依我受訪者觀看的故事為突發性災難且描述群體時,比描述個體的故事有更佳廣告效果。獨立我受訪者則為相反模式。但當相依我與獨立我的受訪者觀看的故事為持續性災難,描述個體或群體故事則沒顯著差異。此外,我們也證明了消費者觀看廣告產生的罪惡感是影響三維交互作用對慈善廣告效果產生影響之中介機制。


In the current research, we propose that the effect of victim number is subject to cause acuteness and individual differences in self-construal, and conduct three experiments to test our hypotheses. While Studies 1 and 3 both set in the non-profit context, Study 2 focuses on the context of cause-related marketing, in which the charitable campaign is initiated by a fictious company. In these three studies, we use a 2 (victim number: single vs. group) × 2 (cause acuteness: sudden disaster vs. ongoing tragedy) × 2 (self-construal: interdependent vs. independent) between-subjects design. The results reveal that when people with interdependent self-construal read a story of a sudden disaster depicting group victims, the advertising effectiveness is greater than the same story depicting a single victim. Meanwhile, we find opposite modes of operation on people with independent self-construal. Nonetheless, we find no such differences of self-construal when participants read a story of ongoing tragedy depicting either a single victim or group victims. Additionally, with the focus on investigating the role of guilt in Study 3, we prove that guilt is the underlying mechanism that explains the three-way interaction effect among victim number, cause acuteness and self-construal.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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