


Defensive Foreign Direct Investment and Endogenous R&D




陳建隆(Chien-Lung Chen);徐芳霞(Fung-Shia Hsu)


防禦型對外直接投資 ; 研發水準 ; 技術外溢效果 ; Defensive foreign direct investment ; R&D ; Spillover effect




31卷4期(2003 / 12 / 01)


577 - 603






This article examines the impact of defensive foreign direct investment (FDI) on R&D levels, as well as the effects of R&D activities and technological spillovers generated from FDI on firms’ decision-making of FDI. Previous research concerning the relationship between R&D and FDI only focused on the domain of expansionary FDI. In contrast, we try to analyze the relationship between defensive FDI and R&D. A three-stage game is considered in this paper. At the first stage, the home firm determines whether to undertake FDI or not. At the second stage, both home and foreign firms decide how much to invest in R&D. At the third stage, they decide how much to produce. It is found that FDI reduces firms’ R&D levels in the host country, while the impact of FDI on firms’ R&D levels in the source country depends on parameter values of the model. Moreover, R&D activities and spillover from FDI reduce the likelihood of undertaking FDI.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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