


Technical Change, Output Mix and Productivity Change in the Taiwanese Banking Industry




李文福(Wen-Fu Lee);王媛慧(Yuan-Huei Wang);洪琬婷(Wang-Ting Hung)


Malmquist TFP指數 ; 技術進步 ; 產出組合 ; 銀行業 ; Malmquist TFP index ; Technical progress ; Output mix ; Banking industry




37卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


495 - 524




本研究探討1997年至2005年台灣53家銀行生產力變動,利用Balk(2001)向下而上的分解法將Malmquist TFP指數分解為技術、純技術效率、規模效率及產出組合等變動效果。最後以營運績效管理矩陣來分析銀行廠商的當前競爭力與長期的發展潛力。 本研究有幾個主要發現。在研究期間,TFP平均每年衰退2.24%,衰退來自純技術效率惡化(-0.970%)、產出組合惡化(-0.79%)、規模效率惡化(-0.39%),技術變動大但有淨成長(0.20%)。技術變動與效率變動幾乎成反向關係。外資持股比率、加入金控皆與技術進步有顯著正相關。營運績效管理矩陣顯示,僅19.05%的銀行目前具有競爭力與長期發展潛力,顯然產業昔日榮景已不復見。


This study analyzes productivity changes of fifty-three Taiwanese banks with data from 1997 to 2005. Utilizing the bottom-up approach of Balk (2001), we decompose the Malmquist TFP indexes into changes in technology, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency, and output mix. At the end, the operational performance management matrix is used to study banks' existing competitiveness and potential for long-run development. Several results are obtained. Within the sample period, on average, TFP dropped by 2.24% each year. The decline in TFP mainly came from the deterioration in pure technical efficiency (-0.97%), the deterioration in output combination (-0.79%), and the deterioration in scale efficiency (-0.39%). There were significant variations in technology but with slightly positive net growth (0.20%). Technological changes and efficiency changes were mostly negatively related. Technological progress was positively related to the ratio of foreign-controlled shares and joining a financial holding. The operational performance management matrix suggested that only 19.05% of the banks were competitive presently and with potential for long-run development.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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