In the Research and Development (R&D) model of economic growth, monopoly rights are granted to successful innovators in such forms as patents and trademarks. With monopoly protection, pricing rises high above marginal costs, and the demand for goods is far below the optimal level, finally, resulting in deadweight loss. With infinitely-lived representative households in non-overlapping-generation models, various studies have compared several subsidy policies to correct the distortion of the monopoly pricing. On the other hand, in overlapping-generation models, since the assets of generations differ, subsidy policies transfer the wealth among the generations, forming intergenerational wealth redistribution. Therefore, this paper addresses several subsidy policies in an overlappinggeneration model, including subsidizing interest income, final output, intermediate goods, and R&D to further explore whether the effects of subsidy policies on economic growth and social welfare depend significantly on the subsidy policies giving rise to the intergenerational wealth redistribution.
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