


Effects of the Information Disclosure and Evaluation System on Earnings Management




張瑞當(Ruey-Dang Chang);方俊儒(Chun-Ju Fang)


資訊揭露 ; 盈餘管理 ; 公司治理 ; Information disclosure ; Earnings management ; Corporate governance




42期(2006 / 01 / 01)


1 - 22






Information transparency enhances corporate governance. In an attempt to improve information transparency of the publicly traded and OTC companies and bring the power of the public into improvements: on corporate governance, the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC) requested the Securities & Futures Institute (SFI) to implement an information disclosure and evaluation system for all publicly traded and OTC companies listed in TSEC. This study investigates effects of the system on earnings management behavior and the ability of the system to differentiate earnings management behavior among firms differed in their extents of information transparency. Empirical results indicate that earnings management decreased after the implementation of the system and the effects are higher for companies with higher management ownership holdings. However, the difference between ”more transparent” and ”less transparent” companies is not statistically significant. This is likely a result of inadequacy of a two-group classification system in distinguishing clearly differences in earnings management.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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