


Product Variety, Uncertainty and Manufacturing Performance: A Field Empirical Study of a Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Company




尤隨樺(Sui-Hua Yu)


產品多樣性 ; 不確定性 ; 製造績效 ; 晶圓代工產業 ; Product variety ; Uncertainly ; Manufacturing performance ; Semi-conductor wafer fabrication industry




42期(2006 / 01 / 01)


55 - 79






This study examines the impact of product variety and uncertainty on manufacturing performance using data from one semiconductor wafer fabrication company. We extend product variety studies by providing evidence on the performance impact of uncertainty, and the mechanisms through which product variety impacts uncertainty and performance. Three variability measures are used to capture the level of uncertainty in the manufacturing environment, which are demand variability, process time variability and arrival variability. The empirical analyses indicate that greater product variety not only has an adverse impact on equipment productivity, production yield, and time performance, but also leads to higher demand variability, process time variability and arrival variability, which cause further degradation of manufacturing performance. Besides, the empirical results also show that a greater level of uncertainty has an adverse impact on manufacturing performance. These findings have several management implications. First, uncertainty in the manufacturing environment is an important cost driver which firms should focus on to attain effective cost management. Second, the relevant cost of product variety may be underestimated if the indirect impact of product variety on performance is not considered. Third, different dimensions of product variety affect measures of manufacturing performance differently and thus should be managed in different ways.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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