


The Impacts of Transferring Human Capital and Innovation Capital from Parent on Performance of Subsidiary: An Examination of Taiwanese Enterprises in China




郭翠菱(Tsui-Lin Kuo)


人力資本 ; 創新資本 ; 移轉機制 ; 吸收能耐 ; Human capital ; Innovation capital ; Transfer mechanism ; Absorptive capacity




49期(2009 / 07 / 01)


95 - 128






This study investigates the impacts of transferring human capital and innovation capital from Taiwanese parent on performance of Chinese subsidiary. This study highlights the role of transfer mechanism and absorptive capacity in explaining the effect of human capital and innovation capital on subsidiary performance. Based on a sample of 103 subsidiaries of Taiwanese enterprises in China, results of path analysis indicate that both human capital and innovation capital from parent are positively associated with subsidiary performance. In general, the results support that the effects of human capital on subsidiary performance are mediated by both transfer mechanism and absorptive capacity, but the transfer roles of innovation capital are not supported. Finding from the public electronic industry reveals that the influence of human capital on subsidiary performance is indirect through the mediating role of transfer mechanism. The result from the public companies shows that the influence of human capital on subsidiary performance is indirect through the mediating role of absorptive capacity. Moreover, regression analyses demonstrate that different intellectual capital elements have a different effect on subsidiary performance. Human capital is important in explaining the variations in subsidiary performance, while innovation capital has little or no effect. Implications for theory and research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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