


Social Network and Firm Performance




許恩得(En-Te Hsu);陳德茂(Der-Mo Chen)


社會網絡 ; 中心性 ; 地位象徵 ; 結構洞 ; Social network ; Centrality ; Status signal ; Structure holes




55期(2012 / 07 / 01)


119 - 145






In knowledge economic age, ”network” has become the key successful factor for business in global competition. It is an important thinking for a corporation to use its social networks to increase its operation performance. It is valuable to study the social network effect for IC industry in Taiwan. It has complete industry structure and outstanding performance in the world. We measure the centrality and structure holes of business social network and use regression analysis model to study the relationship between social network and operation performance by revenue and cost oriented indicators which were collected and classified from literatures. We have some interesting findings. First, the companies have higher performance if they maintain their centrality or structure hole at higher level or in upgrade tread. Moreover, we study the effect of business social network by controlling the related variables. Comparing to structure hole, the relationships between centrality and performance indicators are more significantly. Therefore, the effect for a company with a ”core” position will be different from occupying a ”bridge” position in social networks.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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