


Use of Consolidated and Parent-Only Financial Statements in Predicting Financial Difficulties




林維珩(Wei-heng Lin);陳昭蓉(Chao-Jung Chen)


合併財務報表 ; 報導個體 ; 預測價值 ; 財務困難狀況 ; Consolidated financial statements ; Reporting entity ; Predictive value ; States of financial distress




66期(2018 / 01 / 01)


41 - 81






Present study aims at providing empirical supports to the recent emphasis on the relative usefulness of consolidated over parent-only financial statements using the context of financial distress prediction. Our empirical results support that consolidated financial statements predict financial difficulties better. Furthermore, the cash flow information presented in both consolidated and parent-only financial statements do not significantly relate to financial difficulty prediction. The liquidity, solvency, and profitability indicators presented by consolidated financial statements, however, relate significantly to financial distress prediction, suggesting that consolidated financial statements provide relatively more useful information. Although consolidated financial statements outperform parent-only financial statements in terms of predicting financial distress, we also find that the dual presentation of both sets of financial statements is more informative than consolidation alone. This finding supports Financial Supervisory Commission’s policy of using consolidated financial statements as a major report but retaining parent-only financial statements presentation after adopting International Financial Reporting Standards. This finding also echoes the International Accounting Standards Board’s preliminary view that the presentation of parent-only financial statements along with the consolidated financial statements should not be precluded.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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