


Religious Tolerance: A Dialogue between Political Philosophy and Theology




郭承天(Cheng-Tian Kuo)


政治哲學 ; 神學 ; 自由主義 ; 宗教 ; 容忍 ; political philosophy ; theology ; liberalism ; religion ; tolerance




17卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


125 - 157






By integrating the tolerance principles in political philosophy and the inclusivism in theology, this paper constructs a perspective of religious tolerance called ”critical contextual inclusivism.” Different levels of exclusive, inclusive, and plural positions are adopted according to three different parts of a religion: theology, ethics, and rituals. When applied to church-state relations, theology is not suitable to become the content of public policies. Some rituals can become public policies, but only under scrutiny. Ethics provides a large space for inter-religion dialogue and cooperation, which aim to promote the good of domestic and international communities. However, in order to reduce the controversy of church-state integration, the interaction between church and state should be based on the principles of ”non-discrimination” and ”non-excessive-entanglement.”

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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