


The Evaluation of Public Science & Technology Projects in Taiwan




鄭秀玲(Show-Ling Jang);黃國綱(Guo-Gung Huang)


專利數 ; 調整品質後專利數 ; 工研院 ; 科專計畫 ; quality-adjusted patent ; ITRI ; S&T projects




17卷3期(2005 / 09 / 01)


459 - 489




本文以1991-2001年期間工研院執行的372個年度科專計畫為研究對象,蒐集其專利資料並輔以問卷,運用計量方法來探討其研發行為。本文的主要實證結果為:(1)以國內專利數為被解釋變數的模型所得的R&D支出彈性值為0.354。然而若以美國專利數為被解釋變數的模型所得的R&D支出彈性值會提高為0.555,此與Hausman,Hall and Griliches (1984)的研究所得之0.49相當接近。(2)工研院科專計畫的專利品質呈逐年上升趨勢,是一可喜現象。(3)經過品質調整的研發人力對研發產出有正向的影響。而科專計畫執行年期越長者,其研發成效越顯著,其中尤以11~12年者為最。電子類科專計畫之技轉案例屬於製程相關技術之比重增加時,對專利表現有正向影響;然而化工材料類和機械自動化類科專計畫則剛好相反;(4)參與計畫廠商規模和區位對計畫執行成效的影響端視產業別而定。


This paper evaluates the R&D production behaviors of 372 public science & technology projects conducted by ITRI during 1991-2001 using an econometric model. Our major findings are: (1) On average, the elasticity of R&D expenditures to domestic patents is 0.354, while it is 0.555 for US-granted patents, which is close to the results of Hausman, Hall and Griliches (1984); (2) Our evidence shows that the patent quality of ITRI S&T projects improved over time; (3) The effects of quality- adjusted R&D personnel and project length on patents are positive; (4) The influence of the percentage of process innovation, size and location of participating firms on patent performance varied among different fields' S&T projects.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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