


Managerial Incentives and Nonfinancial Performance Measures: Does Position of the Value Chain in the Information Electronics Industry Matter?




陳玉麟(Yu-Lin Chen)


薪酬與非財務績效的敏感性 ; 價值鏈 ; pay-nonfinancial performance sensitivity ; value chain




22卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


459 - 483






The evidence in this study is based on Taiwan's information electronics industry in the period 1998-2004. Results from panel data are consistent with the propositions of a stronger positive relationship between changes in management cash compensation and changes in patent citations for the firms in the upstream and midstream of the value chain, a stronger positive relation between changes in management cash compensation and changes in yield rates for the firms in the downstream, after controlling financial performance measures. Overall, the position of the value chain in the information electronics industry plays a major role in influencing pay-nonfinancial performance sensitivity.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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