


Institutional Choice of Local Governance and Transition Politics: An Analysis of Institutional Adaptation of Irrigation Associations in Taiwan




邱崇原(Chung-Yuan Chiu);湯京平(Ching-Ping Tang);黃建勳(Chien-Hsun Huang)


合產 ; 特別功能政府 ; 共享性資源 ; 制度調適 ; co-production ; special-purpose government ; common-pool resources ; institutional adjustment




23卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


93 - 126






The governing system of Taiwan's irrigation has survived colonial, authoritarian, and democratic eras, indicating impressive institutional robustness. A close examination indicates that the system has actually been practicing such economic principles as pursuing better economies of governing scale and of public-private synergy in public goods provision, which Elinor Ostrom and her followers have long, advocated. Nevertheless, it is interesting to ask whether the efficiency of governance can be maintained when the political system start to transform, thus affecting the operation of the functional institutions standing on it. By examining Taiwan's case, this research points out the dynamics between changes of institutions in different tiers. It indicates that a functional institution with the principle of user-participation might help it survive the dramatic changes in the course of democratic reforms.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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