


The Role of Hospitals and Universities in Share-holding Chains in Family Business Groups: A Dialogue between Institutional and Resource Dependence Viewpoints




鍾喜梅(Hsi-Mei Chung);鄭力軒(Li-Hsuan Cheng);詹淑婷(Shu-Ting Chan);林佳慧(Chia-Hui Lin)


家族企業集團 ; 制度理論 ; 資源依賴理論 ; 非營利組織 ; 金字塔股權結構 ; family business group ; institutional theory ; resource dependence theory ; non-profit organization ; pyramidal ownership structure




24卷3期(2012 / 09 / 01)


399 - 438






Family governance is a kind of typical governance structure in large business groups and small to medium-sized business enterprises around the world. One distinctive phenomenon in family business groups in Taiwan is that some may utilize hospitals or universities in a cross-sharing role in a pyramidal ownership structure. This research tries to examine the role of hospital and the University in the pyramidal ownership structure in a family business group from the institutional and the resource dependence theory viewpoints. Analyzing over 20 years of data, the results indicate that the controlling family may own the hospital or university's shares by family members or associations directly. Furthermore, the hospital or the university is usually the majority shareholder of key affiliate firms in the family business group. Therefore, the controlling family may utilize the hospital or university to sustain the shareholdings and management in those key affiliate firms in this family business group. This research provides insights in discussing the hospital and the university role in control and strategic implications in large family business groups.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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