


Human Action in Oppressive Structure: The Adjustment and Resistance of Fruit Farmers to the Shift in Human-monkey Relationships at Chaishan in Kaohsiung


倪進誠(Chin-Cheng Ni);薛婷婷(Ting-Ting Hsueh)


結構 ; 行動 ; 空間權力 ; 人猴關係 ; 柴山 ; structure ; action ; power of space ; human-monkey relationships ; Chaishan




25卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


345 - 383






This study discusses the shift in human-monkey relationships before and after the passage of the Wildlife Conservation Law, as well as the issue of foundation of Shoushan Natural Park in Chaishan. The researchers approach this topic from the perspective of the duality of human action in an oppressive structure, emphasizing their subordinate and principal positions in order, and adopt the point of view that conserving the monkeys is the same as protecting their spatial rights, interpreting the intention of a variety of human actions. The qualitative methods of literature review, environment investigation, participation observation and in-depth interviews were used. It was found that fruit farmers were dominant over Chaishan before the passage of the law. A program by the government to purchase Macaca cyclopis monkeys captured by the farmers did help the farmers. After passage of the law, people lost their dominance over this area. Macaca cyclopis became a hazard. The farmers' responses were to develop devices to scare the monkeys away, then to make advanced decisions including carrying on their cultivation, abandoning their planting or transforming to other land uses. In theory, the adjustment of the farmers was decided by themselves, but many restrictions for the farmers in fact remained, such as no land rights the limits of environmental laws, the intervention of green organizations, and so on. Due to these major differences between the farmers' expectation and the practical reality of compensation, the farmers presented petition, protested to the government, fought in the courts, and engaged in some illegal behaviors to resist the power from the oppressive structure. In the future, the new consideration that initiates a social context could be a possible way to mitigate such conflicts.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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