


The Helplessness of Insiders: Guilt by Association in Cases of Illicit Sexual Intercourse and Wife-Selling during the Qianlong Period


張孟珠(Meng-Zhu Zhang)


縱容通姦 ; 賣妻 ; 知情者 ; 牽連致罪 ; 社會控制 ; 刑科題本 ; abetting or tolerating illicit sex ; wife-selling ; insiders ; guilt by association ; social control ; Xingke tiben (board of punishments routine memorials)




25卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


551 - 597






In traditional Chinese society, the tithing system played an important part in administration and the preservation of social order. Cases in the Qing judicial archives provide information about the workings of the tithing system, as well as clues about how ordinary people had a degree of responsibility for the maintenance of public security. A series of statutes forced anyone aware of an illegal activity to investigate it and take appropriate action. Once a homicide case occurred, in addition to the principal suspect, additional persons such as neighbors, relatives, and even strangers could be summoned to provide depositions and be questioned before a court. The aim of the Qing statues was to prevent malfeasance by charging ordinary people with responsibility for reporting on the illicit activities of others. It even compelled innocent bystanders or witnesses to become involved. This study utilizes cases from Xingke tiben (Board of Punishments routine memorials) and other legal documents, all of which happen to deal with disputes about a husband's wife-selling and abetting or tolerating a wife's illicit intercourse, to investigate what the Qing judiciary expected bystanders to do, and how those involved responded.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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