


The Impact of Taiwan's First Regime Shift on the Prosecutorial System: Appointment and Transfer of Chief Prosecutors of Taiwan High and District Prosecutors Offices during the Ding-nan Chen Period


陳鴻章(Hung-Chang Chen);王金壽(Chin-Shou Wang)


政黨輪替 ; 檢察長 ; 檢察人事 ; 陳定南 ; regime shift ; chief prosecutor ; prosecutorial personnel ; Ding-nan Chen




25卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


599 - 645






Ding-nan Chen, with strong ambition and a reform plan, became the Minister of Justice after the first regime shift in 2000. Prosecutor personnel are one of most important tools for the Minister of Justice to control and influence the prosecutorial system. We focused on the chief prosecutors of Taiwan's High Prosecutors Office and its branches, and the District Prosecutors Office. In this paper, using quantitative and qualitative data, we discussed whether Ding-nan Chen was different from other Ministers of Justice interms of prosecutorial personnel changes. We argue that Ding-nan Chen was the most eager one to change the prosecutorial personnel structure and had the largest number of appointments and transfers. However, Chen was limited by formal and informal personnel institutions. He could not radically change the prosecutorial personnel.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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