


Violent Knowledge Structure and Adolescent Violent Behavior: A Social Cognitive Perspective


陳易甫(Yi-fu Chen)


暴力行為 ; 暴力知識結構 ; 社會認知 ; 青少年 ; 中介效果 ; violent behavior ; violent knowledge structure ; social cognition ; adolescents ; mediating effect




29卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


343 - 379




過去研究顯示,暴力行為的起因根植於青少年階段,因此,探討青少年暴力行為的起因甚是關鍵。本研究以晚近兩個整合性社會認知理論的觀點,來探討暴力知識結構(violent knowledge structure)在青少年暴力行為形成所扮演的重要角色。藉著分析一筆全國青少年暴力行為調查的資料庫,本研究發現:(1)青少年的暴力知識結構受家庭、個人受害經歷、所接觸的同儕特質與教師不公對待的影響;(2)暴力知識結構進一步影響著青少年暴力行為的產生;(3)青少年的暴力知識結構中介了青少年所處的學校脈絡與暴力行為之間的關聯。本文最後就所發現的成果進行理論上的詮釋。


Past research has shown that the etiology of violent behavior has its roots during adolescence; therefore, investigating the causes of adolescent violent behavior is critical. The current study adopted two integrated frameworks of social cognitive theories on violence and aggression to investigate the important role of violent knowledge structure regarding the formation of adolescent violent behavior. On the basis of data from a national survey on adolescent violent behavior, the findings were: (1) Adolescent violent knowledge structure was influenced by family, personal victimization, affiliated peer characteristics, and unjust treatment of teachers; (2) violent knowledge structure, in turn, influenced adolescent violent behavior; (3) violent knowledge structure mediated the association between aforementioned school contexts and adolescent violent behavior. The theoretical implication of these findings was discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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