This paper aims at laying the foundation of a discourse between Mou and Heidegger's philosophy through their interpretations of Kant's concept of finitude. Mou tried wholeheartedly to internalize Kantian philosophy in the interest of establishing the new Chinese philosophy which takes the moral subject as the foundation of the system. The key to success lies in the interpretative works of arguing the transcendental character of man with the following premise: man is finite but can be infinite; Heidegger, as a phenomenologist, claims that the concept of finitude is the fundamental spirit and implicit premise of the whole Kantian philosophy. He upholds the priority of sensibility and concludes that human finitude has to be delimited by the situation in terms of time, by which he rejects the infinitude of human existence. By the juxtaposition of their interpretations, we can see how they interpret the concept of finitude, and how they try to internalize and go beyond Kantian philosophy.
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