


Interorganizational Cooperation outside the Market: A Case Study on University Outreach and Social Innovation in Taiwan


熊慧嵐(Huei-lan Xiong);周睦怡(Muyi Chou);施聖文(Sheng-wen Shih);陳東升(Dung-sheng Chen)


跨組織合作 ; 信任 ; 跨界活動者 ; 社會創新 ; 權力不平等 ; 大學社會實踐 ; interorganizational cooperation ; trust ; boundary spanner ; social innovation ; power inequality ; university social responsibility and outreach




31卷3期(2019 / 09 / 01)


427 - 465




本文以跨界活動者理論(individual boundary spanner)個案分析臺灣「人文創新與社會實踐計畫」,說明以在地社會創新爲主軸的計畫型政策,如何透過中介組織,建立公部門、大學,與個別研究者或實作者等參與者之間的信任及溝通機制。旨在說明,當跨組織合作建構於不平等的權力關係下,組織之間的信任建立仰賴在制度保障與支持的互動中,持續且有效地溝通;這需要來自不同組織的跨界活動者在個人、組織和制度間,透過創新的方式解決問題,創造信任的正向循環。跨界活動者所創造的溝通機制也必須轉化融入組織互動的正式規範,以持續強化跨組織的互信與合作。


This research analyzes the building of trust in interorganizational cooperation via a case study on the ongoing Humanity Innovation and Social Practice project in Taiwan, involving governmental agencies, universities, researchers, and practitioners in localities. Boundary spanner theory is adopted to elaborate how trust and communication mechanisms can be established when an asymmetric relationship of power inevitably exists among stakeholders. This study reveals that these cooperative parties have to constantly prove themselves trustworthy and willing to trust others through practicing. To achieve this goal, boundary spanners of each cooperative party play pivotal roles to facilitate continuous communication and mutual understanding between organizations. They share similar practical experiences and a problem-oriented mindset, which enable them to find solutions together based on institutional responsibility and supportive mechanisms when facing challenges. This constructive kind of interaction benefits cooperation not only at the individual level but also at the organizational level, and permits sustained interorganizational cooperation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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