


The Impact of Family Income Classes on Entrepreneurial Decisions in Taiwan


林祖嘉(Chu-Chia Lin);李明軒(Ming-hsuan Lee);林姵宜(Pei-yi Lin)


家庭所得階層 ; 創業 ; 階級流動 ; 臺灣 ; income class ; entrepreneurs ; social mobility ; Taiwan




32卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


39 - 79






Previous studies have shown that the majority of entrepreneurs in earlier periods of Taiwan came from low-income families. However, as the economic conditions have improved, an increasing number of people aim at market opportunities and choose to be entrepreneurs to seize the opportunities. People from higher income classes usually have more advantages in this new type of entrepreneurial activities. Therefore, this paper re-examines empirically the relationship between income classes and entrepreneurial decisions. Moreover, we also examine the choice of industries of entrepreneurs from different income classes and whether starting a business provides an opportunity of upward social mobility. The results show that individuals from higher income classes are more likely to become entrepreneurs, and that entrepreneurs from higher income classes are more likely to enter industries with higher entry barriers. The results also show that starting a business has significant impacts on social mobility, providing a channel for upward social mobility.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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