


Regional Care-centered Society within Local Revitalization in Japan: The Dialogue between Civil Economy and Civic Economy


黃志隆(Chih-lung Huang)


日本 ; 地方創生 ; 地域共生社會 ; 市民經濟 ; 公民經濟 ; Japan ; Local Revitalization ; Regional Care-centered Society ; Civil Economy ; Civic Economy




33卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


333 - 373






This article will analyze the context of the local revitalization and regional care-centered society policies nexus through the criticism of welfare state regime reconstructive theory and the ideal type construction of the civil economy and civic economy. Through the analysis of ideal type, related policies and literature review, as well as collecting official data, we can understand the features of the civil economy in Japan, including private ownership, market distribution mechanisms, its employment centered with a volunteering periphery, and limited participation in democracy. At the same time, I use the idea of civic economy to understand the challenge of Japan's related policy development in the future, including the diversity of ownership, exchange mechanisms based on community recognition, the equal value between employment and voluntary work, and democratic governance based on the community's civic participation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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