


The Moral Economy of Rukai Society: Social Organization, Traditional Agriculture, and Natural Hazards Prevention


巴清雄(Qing-xiong Ba);台邦.撒沙勒(Sasala Taiban);王宏仁(Hong-zen Wang)


道德經濟 ; 魯凱族 ; 最小化風險 ; 再分配 ; 互惠 ; moral economy ; Rukai ; risk minimization ; redistribution ; reciprocity




33卷3期(2021 / 09 / 01)


451 - 490






This paper explores how agricultural practices in Rukai society are embedded in its social cultural institutions, which constitute a part of Rukai's moral economy. The data were mainly collected by the first author and include formal interviews with 19 Rukai elders, field observations, and participation in farming from 2015 to 2017. The research findings indicate that the most important principle of Rukai's moral economy is "risk minimization." Agricultural practices of mixed plantation, shifting cultivation, and not harvesting specific crops are used to minimize the risk of soil exhaustion, insect pests, and damage from other natural disaster. Socio-culturally, the principle of risk minimization is invoked in the redistribution of resources from talyalai (chiefs or nobles) to common people and reciprocity among the people, both of which minimize the subsistence risk of the poorest people and reduce the impact of natural hazards.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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