


Becoming a Masculinity and Gender Symbolism in the Lineage


姜貞吟(Chen-yin Chiang)


父系繼嗣 ; 男子氣概 ; 傳宗接代 ; 祖先崇拜 ; 祖婆崇拜 ; patrilineal descent ; masculinity ; sustaining patrilineality ; ancestor worship ; zupo worship




33卷4期(2021 / 12 / 01)


737 - 785






This study focused on patriarchal organization in ethnic Chinese society-lineage (zong zu)-and explored how a lineage continues to develop through patrilineal genealogy registers, relevant rights and obligation regulations, as well as ancestor worship mechanisms. Lineages require their male members to sustain the patrilineality by having at least one offspring and holding constant respect for the ancestors. This expectation toward male members of a lineage helps to form intense relations between the male members within the same lineage. Lineages represent a collective symbol of typical patriarchal families. With patrilineal descendent and kinship inheritance as the core concept, lineages are structured as a social network centering on inheritance of male members. This study supplements existing theories by explaining sociocultural structures, thereby providing local instances for theorization of masculinity and the gender symbolism of zupo worship.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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