


Cooperation under the EU-China Systemic Rivalry


蘇卓馨(Cho-Hsin Su)


歐洲聯盟 ; 中國 ; 體制競爭 ; 規範性權力 ; 氣候變遷 ; European Union ; China ; systemic rival ; normative power ; climate change




34卷4期(2022 / 12 / 01)


817 - 840






In the mid-2010s, the European Union (EU) and China formed active bilateral relations. However, this cordial relationship has changed tone in the past three years. To understand these shifting EU-China relations, this article takes the constructivist approach to discuss how the EU's normative identity contributes to the predicament of EU-China systemic rivalry and whether this predicament has a solution. The study shows that the supporters of the EU do not perceive the EU and China as two contending international great powers. There is still room for cooperation under systemic rivalry. Taking climate issues as example, the EU and China are in close collaboration both on promoting the international climate regime and on the synergy of green industry value chains. The differences between their economic systems have surfaced throughout the process, but these differences have not been serious enough to stop the course of cooperation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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