In regard to the living standard of Taiwanese during the Japanese colonial period, some studies such as Chang (1955), Ho (1968, 1978), Ho (1971) and Myers (1970), have used different methods and different data in their research. However, consistent conclusions have not been derived yet. Furthermore, none of the studies systematically analyzed the determinants of the living standard. This article uses the households’ consumption structure as the indicator of the living standard, applies more systematical models, and uses more complete data, to find how and why the living standard of Taiwanese changed during this period. We obtain four major conclusions. (1) From 1918-1921 to 1936-1937, the living standard improved gradually, and the most significant change took place in the decade of the 1930s when the planting of ponlai rice was quickly increasing. (2) During the depression era of the 1930s, the living standard was still higher than that of the 1910s. (3) The living standard already started to deteriorate before W.W.II. broke out, and it seems not to have recovered the level of 1920-1940 until the 1960s. (4) Income, family size, variety of crops, and taxes were the main factors affecting a households’ consumption structure. However, the effect of taxes was not obvious until 1931, and was limited only to the share of food.
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