


Taiwan's Business Cycles: Money and Wage Contracts in a Small Open Economy




張淑華(Shu-Hwa Chang)


貨幣景氣循環 ; 小型開放經濟 ; 工資契約 ; 名目僵固性 ; monetary business cycles ; small open economy ; wage contracts ; nominal rigidity




32卷1期(2004 / 03 / 01)


25 - 61






This paper introduces money and wage contracts into a small open-economy intertemporal optimization model to explain Taiwan's business cycles. We attempt to explore the effects of the rigidity in nominal wages on business cycles in this model. It appears that the combination of money and predetermined nominal wages allows the model to successfully mimic the important features of Taiwan's business cycles, including volatilities and comovements of macroeconomic variables, the coefficient of hours worked and real wage as well as the coefficient of investments and savings. Furthermore, this paper concludes that technology shocks, monetary shocks and foreign interest rate shocks are the important sources of disturbances to Taiwan's business cycles.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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