


Educational Expansion and Wage Inequality: A Cohort Analysis of Full-Time Male Employees in Taiwan




鄭保志(Roger P. C. Cheng)


教育擴張 ; 工資不均度 ; 年群效果 ; educational expansion ; wage inequality ; cohort effect




32卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


233 - 266




教育是決定工資所得的最重要因素之一,故教育擴張的結果理應對工資不均度有所影響。由於欠缺動態的實證分析架構,就上述影響的方向而言,台灣部份的相關研究到目前為止並無一致的看法。有別於國內文獻多以年度橫斷面資料來探討所得不均的問題,本文利用主計處1978至2001年的「人力運用調查」,建構出男性全職受雇者的「準縱橫資料」,並整合Deaton and Paxson(1994)與Fei et al.(1979)兩套分析架構,將「工資所得」與「教育年數」各自的不均度拆解為年齡效果、年群效果及年度效果。實證結果顯示,儘管教育不均度在愈晚出生的年群中愈低,工資不均度的生命循環剖面圖在大多數年群問卻無顯著的差異;根據本文的研究發現,這是因為愈年輕世代所面對的教育報酬率愈高,恰好抵消了教育不均度下降的效果。


Education is one of the most decisive determinants of wage income, and the expansion of educational attainment thus should affect wage inequality Because of the lack of a dynamic framework for empirical analysis, there is no consensus so far about the direction of this effect in Taiwan. In contrast to previous studies of income inequality using cross-sectional data, this paper constructs pseudo panel data for full-time male employees from the 1978 to 2001 Manpower Utilization Surveys (TGBAS), and then integrates this with the analytical frameworks pro— vided in Deaton and Paxson (1994) and Fei et al. (1979). Then it decomposes both wage and schooling inequality into age effect, cohort effect, and year effect. Results show that, though schooling inequality is declining for younger cohorts, life-cycle profiles of wage inequality are not significantly different across most cohorts. This fact is mainly explained by the increase in the rate of return to schooling which exactly offsets the effect of decreasing schooling inequality

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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