


New Keynesian Phillips Curve and Capital Mobility-Theory and Empirics




陳禮潭(Lii-Tarn Chen);陳忠榮(Jong-Rong Chen);呂仁廣(Ren-Kuang Lue)


新凱因斯學派 ; 小型開放體系 ; 新菲力浦曲線 ; 基本移動程度 ; new keynesian ; small open economy ; new phillips curve ; degree of capital mobility




34卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


173 - 208




菲力浦曲線斜率的大小,可視為總體政策是否有效的一個重要指標;斜率較平緩的菲力浦曲線,代表財經當局只需犧牲少量的通貨膨脹率便可有效的提升就業率;反之則否;因此,對菲力浦曲線的分析,具有重要的政策含意。本文為了替Loungani,Razin and Yuen (2001)之模型建立個體基要,先以新凱因斯理論為分析基礎,導出小型開放體系下之菲力浦曲線的函數,藉以分析該曲線與資本移動程度間的關係。為了彌補相關實證文獻的不足,我們再以台灣的總體時間序列的季資料,來驗證本文理論模型所猜測的可能命題是否成立。從實證結果顯示,我們有足夠的證據,支持台灣的新菲力浦曲線之斜率,將隨著資本移動程度的放寬而變得較平坦。


The magnitude of the slope of the Phillips curve is a crucial index for the effectiveness of monetary policies. With a flatter slope, the authority can increase inflation less in order to reduce the economy's unemployment rate. Thus, identifying determinants of the output (or unemployment)-inflation tradeoff has an important policy implication. In this paper, to establish a microfoundation for the conventional model, we analysis the relationship between capital mobility and the Phillips curve, while using a small open economy based on a New Keynesian framework. We show that with greater restrictions on capital mobility, a given reduction in the inflation rate is associated with a smaller loss in output, when applied to Taiwan's time series data. This result is shown to be consistent with predictions concerning Taiwan's macroeconomic situation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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