Since the inception of National Health Insurance in 1995, Taiwan has accumulated a decade of National Health Insurance Data (NHID). This data can assist the health authority to learn to help control the rising health spending. From a researcher's perspective, this paper discusses advantages and disadvantages, possibilities and restrictions, as well as principles and skills for using NHID. I first show the strength and weakness of NHID by comparing NHID with other important health data sets in Taiwan. Because NHID consists of many data files, I regroup these files into three sub-databases based on each file's specific role: expenditures, medical orders, and basic characteristics of patients, providers and physicians. Then I describe the rules concerning how to analyze each sub-database, how to merge files from two different sub-databases, and how to connect NHID with other non-health data. Finally, I use a research example to explain in detail the process of data construction, and discuss directions of future research.
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