


The Hidden Fields in Late Ch'ing Taiwan




吳聰敏(Tsong-Min Wu)


土地產權 ; 隱田 ; land rights ; hidden fields




48卷3期(2020 / 09 / 01)


305 - 342






In September 1898, the Japanese Colonial Government in Taiwan began a cadastral survey. About ten years earlier, Liu Ming-ch'uan had proceeded with a land survey project to measure paddy and dry fields. The land area measured from the Japanese cadastral survey was 40% higher than that of Liu Ming-ch'uan. The discrepancy in the measurement from the two surveys is called "hidden fields" in this study. The hidden field ratio varied across the whole island. We find that the hidden field ratio is higher in the area where rice productivity is higher and law enforcement is better. The hidden fields can be divided into three types, and we find that the most popular type is the one with more secure land rights. After the cadastral survey was completed in 1905, a modern land right institution was established in Taiwan. Since then, land litigation cases decreased and land transactions increased.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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