


Spatial Analysis of Foreign Brides in Taiwan




紀玉臨(Yu-Lin Chi);周孟嫻(Meng-Sian Jhou);謝雨生(Yeu-Sheng Hsieh)


外籍新娘 ; 空間聚集 ; 鄰近效應 ; 空間分析 ; 時間延遲之空間模型 ; foreign bride ; spatial clusters ; neighborhood effects ; spatial analysis ; spatial-temporal lag model




38期(2009 / 06 / 01)


67 - 113






This study investigates the spatial pattern of foreign brides in Taiwan, examines how the local marriage market and socioeconomic conditions shape it, and explores the extent to which neighborhood effects exist in the spatial pattern of foreign brides. Using data from the 2003 Survey of Foreign and Mainland Spouses' Life Status, we employ exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial econometrics to reveal the spatial pattern and test six hypotheses. The results indicate that foreign brides cluster around the rural townships of plain areas. Also, local social-economic conditions and marriage market availability contribute to spatial variation in foreign bride rates in each spatially local area. Further, neighborhood effects domatter for the formation of spatial clusters of the Mainland Chinese brides and Southeast Asian brides in Taiwan. For Southeast Asian brides, only the brides with the same origin show a significantly positive spatial-temporal lag effect. On the contrary, while Mainland Chinese brides show a significantly positive spatial-temporal lag effect in the spatial pattern of marriage in Taiwan, Southeast Asian brides show a significantly negative spatial-temporal lag effect, indicating that proximity to townships that had higher proportions of Southeast Asian brides decreases the likelihood of marrying Mainland Chinese brides. Finally, the strength of neighborhood effects of foreign brides significantly varies by regions. The neighborhood effects are strongest for townships located in metropolitan areas. However, there is no evidence to support neighborhood effects for those in mountain areas.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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