The objective of the population and housing census is to collect demographic information on the population in a nation or an area which will be used as a reference for government planning and policymaking. Because of dramatic changes in the social environment, some problems are generated, such as increases in survey cost, non-response rate, and data demand. Although many countries are still using the Traditional Census method for the 2010 census, some are active in developing new methods to improve the quality of data collected and to decrease the survey cost.
Following the examples of Singapore, the Netherlands, and the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden), the method for conducting the 2010 Taiwan Census will be different, changing from the traditional census to a registry-based census with sampling survey. This method will integrate the official registry system to acquire the basic demographic characteristics, and collect more detailed information on the social and economic topics, including the aspects of education, fertility, and elder care by using sampling methods. Consequently, this research will be separated into two parts. The first part will introduce and analyze several common census methods used, including the Traditional Census method, Registry-Based Census, Registry-Based Census with Sampling Survey, and the Rolling Census. In addition, the target population of 2010 Taiwan Census is the de jure population, and we shall also discuss its potential problems.
In the second part, the research will further examine the survey methods that will be used for the U.S. and French censuses, including the design concept and the sampling method executed by the American Community Survey (ACS) to replace the long-form questionnaire for the 2010 U.S. Census. Finally, we will discuss the restrictions of using sampling to collect data, compare the strengths and weaknesses of census and the different sampling methods, as well as analyze the problems related to the registered population and the permanent residents.
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Measuring population and housing :Practices of UNECE countries in the 2000 round of censuses.
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