


"Returning Migrants": The Movement and Adaptation of Taiwanese One and a Half Generation Migrants between Taiwan and Australia




徐榮崇(Richard Jung-Chung Hsu)


回流 ; 澳洲 ; 遷移 ; 適應 ; 迴圈移民 ; return migration ; Australia ; migration ; adaptation ; circular migration




46期(2013 / 06 / 01)


121 - 161






The purpose of this research is to explore the adaptation and movement of 1.5-generation Taiwanese immigrants between Australia and Taiwan under the concept of transnationalism.A variety of research methods are used in this study to explore the research questions. These are followed by a series of in-depth interviews of twenty-two young Taiwanese immigrants who have settled in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne to investigate in detail the factors of decision making in the process of ”return.” The relationship among the factors is analysed by cross matrix, and the relation tree is formed to conclude the scenario.This paper has explored the adaptation experience of the 1.5-generation Taiwanese migrants in Australia and Taiwan. These migrants mainly interworked by different scale factors of ”Social,” ”Family” and ”Individual” and constructed in the dynamic process of moving decision while engaging in transnationalism. They also need to construct the social network for the home and host countries. The dynamic strategies of the young migrants behind the transnational movement challenge the traditional notion of ”return migration.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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