


Studentification and Social Segregation: Students in Higher Education and Local Residents




簡博秀(Po-Hsiu Chien)


學仕化 ; 高等教育機構 ; 社會隔離 ; 見習仕紳者 ; 社區 ; studentification ; higher education institutes (HEIs) ; social segregation ; apprentice gentrifier ; community




53期(2016 / 12 / 01)


139 - 182




本文嘗試從社區的空間尺度觀察學仕化發生所產生的影響,並且藉此說明臺灣政府對高等教育機構空間規劃上的一些迷思。這個迷思發生在政府試圖透過大學城的建設帶動地方的發展,以及連結高等教擴充的正當性給予地方發展的充分理由。延續近年來西方文獻對學仕化與社會融合的研究成果,本文發掘發生在臺灣學生地區的學仕化過程其實是產生了社會區隔的現象─發生在臺南郊區新建大學的學生與居民的社會分化主要是來自於二個不同群體對地區的身份與定位不同所形成的。在研究中發現:藉由不動產投資所形成二元地景、公共安全的漠視、喧鬧的夜間生活、以及對當地社區認同感的缺乏等方面,都形成學生與當地居民產生社會的對立,也形成了在社區中二個群體彼此冷漠的社會關係。本文認為學仕化地區社會隔離的產生與學 生的個人特質是有關的,畢竟比較仕紳者之於仕紳化,學生對於地方的歸屬感是極少的。重要的是,學生未成熟與短暫居住的特質則是對當地社區產生不少的負面影響,而這個負面影響正好否決了國家藉由設置大學帶動地方發展的脆弱假設。


Drawing on the observation of the spatial scale of community affected by studentification, this article tried to explain a contradiction stemming from a dominant doctrine that “developing a university town will inspire local developments through state regulation.” Recently, this doctrine was supported by the expansion of higher education institutes in Taiwan, which provided a reasonable excuse to develop new university towns in many cities. Following the suggestions of empirical studies on social division emerging due to studentification, this paper found that social segregation was a condition of the country landscape in southern Taiwan, resulting from the different identity between students at the new-build universities and inhabitants of communities near the universities. This paper argues that, those conditions, including the dualistic landscape formed by real estate investment, the students’ disregard for safety in public spaces, the stirring night economy triggered by students, and the student’s failure to cultivate a sense of community identity, established a two-sided situation between university students and others in the community, and exacerbated the lack of mutual concern between the two groups in the same community. This article concludes that the social segregation in studentified areas resulted from the personal character of university students, who deeply lacked the sense of belonging to the local community. The Key findings are that the immature way of life of incoming students, and their temporary stay as migratory birds acted as negative influences, which indeed denied the weak doctrine in studentified communities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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